Saturday, October 20, 2007

So-called "Miracle" Whip is NOT Mayonnaise, Canada

I can't stand the tangy taste of Miracle Whip.

But hey, it's a free country, so if you like it go ahead and serve it.

However, if you try to pass it off as delicious mayonnaise it will piss Jim Davies off.

I have sent back several sandwiches, pita sandwiches and wraps because I ordered mayo and the dipshit salesperson squirts Miracle Whip on it.

Here's a very short open letter to restaurants worldwide (but especially in Canada):

Do not try to pass off Miracle Whip as mayonnaise.



D said...

Thank you!

D said...

For my entire childhood we had miracle whip instead of mayonaise. When I went away and did my own grocery shopping I discovered actual, far superior mayo. My mom wouldn't believe me it was different. I literally had to make her do a blind taste test before she admitted it!